12月 2024

FWG Open Meeting at Sci Tokyo

KAGRA Future Working Group Open Meeting was held at Science Tokyo and ca 40 people joined in person. Lily Sun at ANU gave a remote talk about a dark matter detection.

Attending OzGrav Retreat

Ryo, Haoyu, and Kentaro attended the OzGrav Retreat held in Brisbane. It was quite different from a usual conference, with a lot of games and activities. It was more like a party but at the same time people can learn a lot about GW, dark matter, fast radio pulsars, etc.

Kentaro in Australia for 2 weeks

Kentaro visited UWA and ANU in December. At UWA, David Blair showed me an exciting collection of educational devices designed to teach kids the fun of physics! At ANU, Kentaro met his student Ryo Iden for the first time since the ASPIRE workshop (see the photo). Kentaro will attend the OzGrav Retreat from Dec 11 as an Associate Investigator.