Dan Brown’s seminar at KAGRA F2F meeting
Dr. Daniel Brown (Univ of Adelaide) gave a special seminar about the LIGO commissioning and the latest modal model simulation development at the KAGRA face-to-face meeting at Tokyo City University.
Dr. Daniel Brown (Univ of Adelaide) gave a special seminar about the LIGO commissioning and the latest modal model simulation development at the KAGRA face-to-face meeting at Tokyo City University.
Over 40 people including 9 researchers from Australia enjoyed the workshop at the Australian Embassy in Tokyo. Ms. Pitt and Ms. Tsukamoto, the counselor and the senior manager in the education and research division of the Embassy, also attended the event. See here for more detail.
Somiya gave a public lecture on gravitational waves at Geo Space Adventure (GSA) 2024 event on Jul 14 and visited KAGRA on Jul 16 with some Tokyo Tech members and our overseas guests.
James Gardner, a PhD student at ANU who is currently doing research at Caltech with Yanbei Chen, is visiting us from July 3 through July 12. He gave a presentation at Tokyo Tech and U Tokyo on his work to detect stochastic GW with a single detector, and also had discussions on intracavity schemes.
We would like to host a workshop at Australian Embassy in Tokyo on Aug 19 (Mon) in the afternoon. There will be lab tours to Tokyo Tech and Univ of Tokyo on Aug 20, and the OzGrav colleagues can join the KAGRA Face-to-face meeting in Aug 21-23 at Tokyo City University. The registration page is now open. No registration fee.
Mr. Satoru Takano joined the ASPIRE GW team in April 2024. He obtained PhD today and now he is an ASPIRE postdoc. Congratulations, Dr.Takano!
We invited Prof. Danzmann and Dr. Kawazoe from Max-Planck Institute in Hannover and had a seminar named “Space-based GW Telescope -LISA and Researcher’s life in Germany.”
Several researchers from Japan visited UWA and ANU after GWADW2024. They enjoyed BBQ and experiments!
Gravitational-Wave Advanced Detector Workshop (GWADW) was held at Hamilton Island and 27 researchers participated from Japan.
Our paper on intracavity Kerr amplification has been published from PRL. It was press-released from Tokyo Tech and JST, and is featured in Physics. This is an important milestone for the development of a HF GW detection technique using an intracavity quantum filter.